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Walking with Love Practical Guide

Helpful Conversation Topics

Recommended Websites

Abortion Grief Australia

Hope After Abortion

Pregnancy Assistance Inc.

Rachel's Vineyard Ministries

Sisters of Life Pregnancy Help

Sisters of Life Abortion Grief

Recommended Reading

Burke, T, and David Reardon, Forbidden Grief – The Unspoken Pain of Abortion, revised edition, Springfield, Illinois: Acorn Books, 2007.

Freed, Luci, and Penny Yvonne Salazar-Phillips, A Season to Heal: Help and Hope for Those Working Through Post-Abortion Stress, Nashville: T. Nelson Publishers, 1993.

Reist, Melinda Tankard, Defiant Birth: Women's stories who continued their pregnancies despite pressure to abort a disabled baby, Sydney: Duffy and Snellgrove, 2000.

Reist, Melinda Tankard, Giving Sorrow Words: Women’s stories of grief after abortion, Melbourne: Duffy and Snellgrove, 2006.

Recommended Viewing

The Choice (film for SBS television)
The experience and not the politics of abortion. Written, directed and produced by Don Parham for SBS television, 2006.

Inspired by a true story, Bella is a story about friendship, family, and our capacity for love in the face of the unexpected.

Documentary about former Planned Parenthood CEO, Abby Johnson. Produced by Focus on the Family Production, in association with Tyndale House Publishers, and Franklin Films, 2011

Scholarly Articles

Reardon, David & G Ney, Philip & Scheuren, Fritz & Cougle, Jesse & Coleman, Priscilla & W Strahan, Thomas. (2002). "Deaths associated with pregnancy outcome: A record linkage study of low income women." Southern medical journal. 95. 834-41. [online]

Reardon David CCougle Jesse R. "Depression and unintended pregnancy in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: a cohort study.